Tuesday 4 March 2008

An Introduction to Drivel.

So I've got myself a grown-up version of Livejournal, good for me.

I dislike A LOT of things. If you read Drivel, you'll begin to understand the extent of my vitriol. It's not really my fault though; if things weren't so boring and rubbish, I wouldn't have to hate them. It's not indiscriminate hatred, it's only directed towards that which, in my view, deserves scorn.

The main categories of things that I dislike are as follows:

1) Mind-numbing lad-pub rock. (Artic Monkeys and their ilk.)
2) The publications that champion the above. (NME.)
3) Overly successful for apparently no reason children. (Theo.)
4) Student nights. (Club Sandwich.)
5) Stupid fashion trends. (Where to start?)
6) Fruit and vegetables and anything that comes in a sauce. (Except cheese sauce. Not a real category I know.)
7) Post-Feminism. (VICE, American Apparel.)
8) Music snobbery. (Uffie may be crap but she's not 'The worst thing to happen to music in the last ten years.')
9) Right wing politics. (I'm not a Marxist but how can you be a genuinely good person if you vote Tory?)
10) Everything else boring, pretentious (in a bad way), ugly (not people), trite, unfair, sexist, racist and generally terrible.

I'll try to include things that I like and enjoy too. If there's room.

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